
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

This little light of ours...

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16 NRSV).

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Pondering Glory and Community

As the church matures, she becomes an ever more clear shining of God's glory and proclamation of his splendor.

Questions I'm Pondering
• What does it look like to be a community in the context of God's glory?
• What does glory look like in the context of community?

Concept Outline
• Glory is the magnificent splendor that is the exuding of God's essence, embodied in the people of God. It is the relational web of glory-reflectors, always shining God's essence. It is the working, living, and trusting of the One whose magnificent splendor is made safe by love.
• Glory shines in the people of God to the world in glorifying ways. It shines through a family of teachers, models, and exemplars of God's glory. It shines through a family of doers, followers, and proclaimers for and of God's glory.
• The people of God shine God's glory like Jesus in order to please the Father and be conformed to the Son. We shine it as a family that refracts and disperses God's glory, thereby doing his mission and becoming like Jesus. We shine it as a family that lives like Jesus for God's pleasure.